Scott DiGiulio Wins College of Arts and Sciences Research Award

Scott DiGiulio Wins College of Arts and Sciences Research Award

Dr. Scott DiGiulio, assistant professor of Classics, was recently named the recipient of this year’s College of Arts and Sciences Research Award in the Humanities. This award annually recognizes one faculty member from each of the three discipline areas (Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Natural and Physical Sciences) for their outstanding contributions to research conduced throughout the College; further details about this year’s awards are available at Dr. DiGiulio’s research focuses on Latin prose literature in the Roman Empire and the intersection of Roman literature, scholarship, and ancient reading practices; first book, Reading Miscellany in the Roman Empire: Aulus Gellius and the Imperial Prose Collection, will be published by Oxford University Press this summer. Congratulations on this achievement, Dr. DiGiulio!