Minor in Foreign Language
A minor in Foreign Languages with concentrations in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish may be obtained upon satisfactory completion of 18 semester hours in one target language. Classics offers minors on two distinct tracks. A minor with concentration in Classical Languages requires 15 hours of courses taught in Greek or Latin, 12 of which must be Greek or Latin courses beyond the first year (i.e. not including FLL 1113, FLL 1123, FLH 1113, or FLH 1123); the remaining course may be any FL Classics course. A minor with concentration in Classical Civilizations requires 18 hours total, which may be a combination of any FL Classics courses (excluding FL 2123) and any courses taught in Greek (FLH) or Latin (FLL).
Our department has a CMLL Intent to Minor Form that can be completed online. The information gathered is used to keep students informed of minor requirements, departmental events and other information pertinent to language minors. The form is available through this link: CMLL Intent to Minor Form
For a non-exhaustive series of representative examples illustrating how you might complete each of the minors offered by our department, please consult the following chart:

According to AOP 12.08 the following conditions apply to minors:
- A minimum of 15 credit hours is required for an undergraduate minor and a minimum of 9 credit hours is required for a minor at the Master’s level and 12 credit hours at the doctoral level.
- At least one-half of the hours in the undergraduate minor and two thirds of the hours in a graduate minor must be taken at MSU.
- A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required in all courses taken as part of an undergraduate minor, while a minimum 3.0 is required in all courses taken as part of a graduate minor.
- A department or academic unit granting a minor may specify majors for which students can not earn that minor. Otherwise, students are free to pursue any approved minor.
- Academic units can establish additional requirements that go beyond those specified in this policy.
- The establishment of all undergraduate minors must be approved by the University Committee on Courses and Curricula and by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
- A student must declare intent to complete requirements for a minor prior to the declaration to graduate.
- Completion of a minor will be noted on a student’s academic transcript.