DiGiulio Awarded Loeb Classical Library Fellowship

DiGiulio Awarded Loeb Classical Library Fellowship

Scott DiGiulio, an assistant professor of Classics, has been awarded a prestigious Loeb Classical Library Fellowship from Harvard University. DiGiulio received the $28,500 award for the 2021-2022 academic year in support of his book project Reading Miscellany in the Roman Empire: Aulus Gellius and the Imperial Prose Collection.

DiGiulio’s research interests center on Latin prose literature, especially antiquarian miscellanies of the second and third centuries CE and their reception of earlier Greek and Roman historical, literary, and philosophical material. The book project which this fellowship supports will examine Aulus Gellius’ miscellany, the Attic Nights, arguing that Gellius’ central preoccupation is articulating a distinct set of “ways of reading” that may be employed to navigate the web of literature in the Roman Empire of the second century CE.

The Loeb Classical Library, which publishes editions of major Greek and Latin works with up-to-date texts and accessible English translations, was established  by James Loeb in 1911 with the stated goal of making the literature of the ancient world accessible to as many people as possible. Loeb also stipulated that the proceeds from the library be used "for the encouragement of special research at home and abroad in the province of Archaeology and of Greek and Latin Literature," and that awards should be granted "without distinction as to sex, race, nationality, color or creed.”