Shaping Germany: A Focus on Immigration and Refugees

Shaping Germany: A Focus on Immigration and Refugees


McCool Hall

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Monday: November 5 at 7 pm in McCool 109-
Showing the film Almanya (2011) by Yasemin and Nesrin Samdereli, a comedy, which tells the story of three generations of a Turkish family who have immigrated to Germany struggling with their national identity. This film is not rated. It is rated FSK 6 in Germany, which correlates to PG.

Tuesday: November 6 at 7 pm in McCool 225-
Showing the film Auf der anderen Seite (The Edge of Heaven, 2006), written and directed by internationally acclaimed director Fatih Akin, about three parents and their three adult children whose paths cross in Germany and in Turkey, as they meet, connect, drift apart, and go in search of each other. This powerful drama is about many things: identity, migration, love, forgiveness, redemption, and more. This film is not rated. In Germany, it is rated FSK 12 [like PG-13]; in the US, it would likely be rated R. There is some explicit sexual content, violence, profanity, and drug use.

Wednesday: November 7 at 7pm in McCool 109-
Dr. Phillip Conner of the Pew Research Center in Washington D.C. will give a talk on world migration, and include some specific data on Germany. Professor Brian Shoup of PSPA will lead a discussion session to follow. The panel will include students who advocate for Syrian refugees.

Thursday: November 8 at 5 pm in McCool 110-
Mr. Stephan Jacobi from the Federal Interior Ministry and who is currently working at the Department of Homeland Security will introduce a panel on the discussion of migration. The panel will include MSU students who have interned in Germany and who have worked with refugees there.

Thursday: November 8 at 7 pm-
Starkville High School Thespians’ Performance of The Scar Test written by Hannah Khalil and directed by Trisha Pate.

Sponsored By:
The German Embassy of the United States, Eurocopter, MSU Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures (CMLL), MSU Department of Political Science and Public Administration (PSPA), MSU College of Arts and Sciences, MSU German Club