CMLL Distinguished Lecturer Series: Raul Touzon: "Two Pillars of Faith"
Griffis Hall, Forum Room 401C

We are excited to announce the next event in the CMLL Distinguished Lecturer Series: a lecture by the documentary and natural history photographer Raul Touzon, which is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th at 5:00pm.
For over twenty years, Raul has been a full-time educator and instructor, producing and leading his own photography expeditions around the world. He has traveled from latitude 82°N to 80°S, documenting the seldom-visited corners of the planet, and in the course of those journeys he has built a collection of dramatic photographs that have been featured in TIME, U.S. News, The New York Times & National Geographic. He will present a talk entitled Two Pillars of Faith, which offers a Visual Exploration of Day of the Dead in Oaxaca, Mexico and Holy Week in Antigua, Guatemala. The presentation covers a decade-long illustration of these centuries-old traditions and celebrations utilizing a highly intimate and immersive approach of documenting the coexistence of the church’s and pre-Hispanic cultural rites.
We hope that you will be able to join us for this exciting event!